Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ah, The Support of Your Loved Ones

A great article in today's Wall Street Journal on the dangers of asking spouses or significant others for job advice:

Most of our career accomplishments wouldn't be possible without the love and support of our spouses. Neither would some office gaffes. The betrothed are often selectively informed, sometimes overestimate victories, and can be clueless to the office culture. Delivered with the best of intentions and honey-sweetie coddling, their advice reinforces loony behavior that a reality smack could have prevented.


Workplace signs of an in-home badviser are easy to mistake for run-of-the-mill office aggrandizement. Dead giveaways include sudden spikes in huffiness, britches-busting antics such as raising a hand for a job for which one is vastly unqualified, self-congratulation over old accomplishments and threats to quit. All are the results of incitements such as, "You march right in there" or the ever-popular, "Tell 'em to shove it!"

Our Better HalvesSometimes ExposeOur Worst Side [WSJ - $]

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