Monday, December 04, 2006

Tax Departments Still Need Staff

KPMG released the summary of its 2006 Tax Department Survey, which includes this:

…attracting and keeping the right people - and enough of them - appears to be of widespread interest. Many executives report making headway in increasing the head count they now need for a more demanding environment. However, as more
organizations implement and plan an increase in full-time equivalents (FTEs) from the existing talent pool, the potential for people shortages seem clear.

In other words, tax departments still need accountants, and the need is widespread enough to continue the talent shortage a lot of tax directors have complained about in recent years. The survey also says "Staffing shortages are also cited as a significant issue in the struggle for fuller reporting in less time.

The report's 55 pages long and I'm just reading it now. I suspect there might be some more posts about it coming soon. Meantime, if you want to read it yourself, it's available in pdf format at the link below.

2006 Tax Department Survey [KPMG - pdf]

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