Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Not-So-Great Offer

What do you do when you receive the job offer you'd hoped for - at 25 percent less than you'd figured? Writes Jon Jacobs:

In such situations, every candidate needs a game plan. Those who end up with their ideal package are the ones who took care to make the right moves long before a job offer arrived, says career coach Win Sheffield.

It's a mistake to wait until you have an offer before consciously trying to influence its contents, Sheffield says. Through proper foresight and advance action during the interview process, a candidate can begin molding an eventual offer long before the employer makes it. If you succeed at this, you won't need to negotiate nearly as much when the offer finally arrives.

His full story's on JobsintheMoney.

Shape an Offer Through Shadow Negotiating [JITM]

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