Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Keeping Track

Louise Fletcher, a resume writer who blogs at Blue Sky Resumes, makes a great point about keeping track of the work you do:
Today I'm working on a resume for a client who is having a hard time recalling details of her prior projects.

She's not sure of the results of her efforts and sometimes she can't remember why a project was even started. I'm concerned that her resume won't reflect her true abilities, which got me thinking ...

Do you keep a record of what you do at work? Do you track your impact, make notes when your boss compliments you, or jot down details of projects you're working on? If not, you should!

None of us has a job for life anymore --- when you come to write your next resume, think how much easier it will be if you can refer to a written record.
Even if you're not planning on moving, this is an important habit to get into. Louise is right that none of us have jobs for life. You may well plan on staying in your current job for years, but you never know when something unforeseen will change things. That "something" could be a colleague who got the promotion you expected, an economic downturn, a merger, twins you didn't plan to have or just a decision you don't want to work in an office all day anymore.

Some people keep notes in their calendar - whether it's on their PC or in a book. Others keep a brief diary, while still others keep all of their project files in one place. However you do it, keep track of all the things you achieve.

Write It Down! [Blue Sky Resumes Blog]

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