Friday, March 02, 2007

More Than Numbers

I hear again and again that people need to communicate well if they're going to succeed in this business. On JobsintheMoney, Carol Lippert Gray provides some things to think about if you want to be a better writer.

A better what? A better writer. Why do you care? Because your boss, your clients and your colleagues are making judgments about based on how clear and concise you are in your reports, your memos and, yes, even your e-mails.

Maureen Tierney, an independent management consultant in New York and former associate dean of the business school at Fordham University, says poor writing - even in as informal a medium as e-mail - conveys a negative and unprofessional message about the sender.

Besides all that, taking the time to write well imposes a certain discipline when you're evaluating complex issues. It's time well-spent.

In Getting Ahead, Your Words Count [JITM]

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