Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Retire? When There's So Much to Do?

Carolyn Kepcher, she of Donald Trump's Apprentice fame, says baby boomers who want to keep on working are in a good position:

In its "2005 Future of the U.S. Labor Pool Survey," the Society for Human Resource Management reports that only a quarter of members surveyed believe that the flood of retiring baby boomers will be a problem to their organization. But 43% responded that it has the potential to become a problem.

And half of respondents said they are seeing new workers entering the workforce lacking overall professionalism, written communications skills, analytical skills or business knowledge. Let's not overlook the fact that the number of new employees entering the workforce each year is considerably less than the number leaving.


Many employers are doing whatever they can to tap into the knowledge and experience these workers can still bring to the table.

For boomers, that means a growing number of flexible, well-paid positions as consultants, mentors and part-time employees.

Couple that with the ongoing need for accounting and finance talent, and the 60-ish among us would seem to be in a good place.

More boomers staying in the rat race [NY Daily News]

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