Friday, April 20, 2007

Be Nice to Gatekeepers

Even before you get asking for a job interview, you're going to run into a extremely important group of people - the gatekeepers. "Make friends with them," writes Carol Lippert Gray, "and whole new worlds can open up."

Carol sat in on a discussion led by Debra Feldman, a Connecticut-based executive talent agent.

"Gatekeepers aren't meanies. They're their boss's designated agents charged with limiting unnecessary, potentially wasteful interruptions and unexpected interference," says Debra Feldman, a Connecticut-based executive talent agent.
Thus, if you don't know the boss - or, more likely, the boss has never heard of you - "you have to show the gatekeeper it's okay to give you an appointment, schedule a meeting, provide an e-mail address or switch you to voice mail," she says.

Feldman outlined a simple approach to developing a relationship with gatekeepers that can not only help you get in the door, but can give you allies during the hiring process, as well.

To Open Doors, Woo the Gatekeeper [JITM]

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