Thursday, April 12, 2007

Keeping Coolness in Check

When you're looking for a job, you're marketing yourself. And part of marketing is packaging. So as you polish yourself to appear stolid and serious, dependable, pleasant - you know, the kind of person someone would like to hire and spend tax season with - be sure to sweat the details.

Finding that perfect snarky, witty, oh-so-cool nickname to attach to your e-mail address, the one that fits you like your fave jeans, can be a creative coup. But alas, for job-seeking, the hip moniker might be a career killer.

A new study finds that electronic resumes linked to job candidates with quirky and “unprofessional” e-mail names are rated lower by potential employers than those with professional names.

Hip e-mail addresses bad for resumes [LiveScience via MSNBC]

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