Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Reasons to Update Your Resume

Even if you're happy at work, reviewing and updating your resume once a year can be a valuable exercise, writes Robbie Miller Kaplan.

While resumes are considered a primary job search tool, they also play a key role in all phases of career development. The self assessment process involved in writing a resume helps you plan and prepare for each job move you might consider. And, as you research career opportunities and learn the essential requirements for jobs that interest you, the process helps you evaluate your value as a candidate.

What's the advantage of this? Once you've identified your credentials, you can determine the skills, training, certifications, or key experiences you lack. Then you can then create a plan to acquire the essential requirements and position yourself for the next job opportunity.

Her full story is on JobsintheMoney.

Do I Need a Resume if I'm Not Looking For a Job? [JITM]

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